
Spicing It Up with EA Stewart, the Spicy Registered Dietitian

  • 3 min read

EA Stewart is a Registered DietitianNutritionist based in San Diego, California. She specializes in digestive health, autoimmunity, and aging vibrantly. Whether she’s coaching clients, concocting meal plans, or writing e-books, EA does it all. She talked us through her advice for those on a low-FODMAP diet, her fav gluten-free recipe, and her RD inspiration.

What inspired you to become an Registered Dietitian?

“I took an elective class in nutrition when I was getting a degree in advertising and I was hooked from the beginning. And that started it!”

What do you think is the most underrated part of a healthy diet?

“The most underrated part of a health diet in my opinion is macronutrient balance. Of course, we want to focus on quality and whole foods as much as possible. But, I have a lot of clients who are tired, hangry, and are in a bad mood. By just tweaking the macronutrient profile of a diet with healthy fats, complex carbs, and protein throughout the day will go a long way by helping you feel better!”

Share with us your favorite gluten free recipe!

“This is really hard for me to choose just one! But I have a Panzanella Salad recipe on my blog that I make again and again. It’s leafy greens, Mediterranean style, with tomatoes, kalamata olives, and fresh herbs that add so much flavor. And bread! It is so delicious, you have to try it.”

What is your favorite nutrition “hack?”

“Speaking of fresh herbs, my favorite nutrition hack is adding fresh herbs to almost everything I make. I have rosemary, oregano, basil, which I have growing at my house. But I’ll also buy fresh herbs and they add so much flavor to food, and they’re also super nutrient dense. You can take a simple recipe and add some fresh herbs to it and you’ll have a delicious meal that’s super easy too!”

What product on Tastermonial stands out to you as a game changer?

“Easy, the Kween Granola Butter. If you have not had it, oh my gosh, you have to try it. It is absolutely amazing. Seriously.”

What is something that everyone on a low-FODMAP diet should know to simplify their lifestyle?

“When you’re trying new recipes on a low-FODMAP diet, start with what you already know. Start with your favorite recipe and make substitutions. You can take regular milk and instead use lactose free, you can take garlic and instead use garlic oil. There are so many different ways you can adjust recipes you already have on hand that are your favorites and make the ingredients low-FODMAP, just make it easy for yourself!”

Who has been the most influential person in your passion for food and health?

“That’s going to be two people: my mom and dad, for two different reasons. My dad is the type of person who eats absolutely anything and everything and he got me interested in being creative in trying new foods. My mom is a person who doesn’t eat everything. She has very few vegetables that she likes other than beets, carrots, and lettuce. As a result, when I was growing up I was never forced to eat anything I didn’t want to eat. I was able to develop my own tastes, and for that, I really thank both of my parents.”

What has been your favorite part of being an RD?

“Hands down, it is working with my clients one-on-one who have been struggling with their health issues, whether it be IBS or another digestive health issue or autoimmune disease. I help them regain their life again. A lot of the clients I work with have been from doctor to doctor, they’ve tried so many different diets and cut out so many different foods. They just want to feel good and be able to eat again. When we get to that point, honestly, nothing makes me feel happier. I am so fulfilled by doing that and I absolutely love what I do.”

Want to learn more about EA? Find her on her website, blog, and on Instagram @thespicyrd.
